
Aikido in Aceh begin after Earthquake and Tsunami 2004. One of volunteers taught aikido to his fellows and local resident in Banda Aceh since 2007. He is Andarjuangsyah Sihombing, we called him Sensei Juang or Bang Juang, one of IAI Dojo members at that time. The 1st Aikido Dojo in Banda Aceh was Puleh Dojo, derived from His NGO's name, Pulih Foundation.

After several years workin in Aceh, in 2009 Sensei Juang back to Jakarta. Aikido in Banda Aceh lead by senior students, Sempai Ivan Mirza and Sempai Andris Alfachrul. Once or twice a year, an instructor from IAI Dojo Jakarta came to Banda Aceh for Kyu Examination and Advanced Training.

In 2010, one of Sensei Juang student Ruswin Agustya came back from his journey to learn aikido in Jakarta from several dojos and style. He establish Kensei Dojo witch is affiliate to Jiritsukai Samina Dojo in West Java.

In 2011, Khairuddin Aba establish Iskandar Muda Dojo using his connection to Judo's practicioner in army, Iskandar Muda Dojo used the same matrass with Judokas in Banda Aceh.

The 1st big Gashuku held on October 2011, followed by all aikidoka from the dojo around Banda Aceh.

Since 2011 too, Djaini Tan, resident in Breuen came back from his study in Jakarta and establish a dojo near his house, it is affiliated to Red Aiki Club Indonesia.

In 2012, January. Two of Aikidoka in Banda Aceh passed the 1st Dan International Examination (SHODAN) by Hiroshi Kato Shihan, 8th Dan of Aikikai and Suginami Aikikai, Japan. it was held in Jakarta, organized by IAI Dojo. 

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