Sunday, April 01, 2012

Where to Find Aikido Gi in Banda Aceh?

The questions of someone are where to find the aikido-gi? is it similar to common karate-gi or different?

Generally, the jamapnese gi for martial art is same, but the common karate-gi not use in grabbing, throwing and grapling situation. In aikido training, also judo training, grabbing, pulling, throwing event grappling art part of the kihon waza or basic techniques. So, we need more specific gi for this training.

The gi used by professional trainer or athletes are quite expensive for us, the price sometime over than Rp.500.000,- because of it's special material and trade mark.

In Banda Aceh we find two Sport Stores sell the cheap gi for this need, only about Rp. 120.000,- to Rp. 250.000,-. The gi weight up to 1,3 Kg and convenient to use for daily exercise.

The Store are Naga Mas at Simpang Lima Banda Aceh, near to BCA Bank, and Mahkota Sport at Simpang Surabaya Banda Aceh.

Note : Hakama common used by yudansha or for demonstration purpose, see you in the dojo!!!


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